Sunday 5 March 2017

I got to wrestle today. It had been soooo long!

All day we were at work, talking about it. Both hard as rocks all day at work, waiting for the end of day to be able to take our frustrations out onto the mats!

When John got back to my place, we both stripped down into our footy shorts. Me in my tight black North Sydney Bears shorts and John in his blue Parramatta shorts. We put the mats down and stared at each other for a bit. Seeing John there in front of me, my cock was throbbing and poking through my shorts!

He pounced over and through me down onto the mats. Held me tight in a bear hug. I immediately started to doubt myself as it was a very tight bear hug. I thought that this might be the end of me and we’d only just began. Fortunately I was able to wiggle my way out, but I was still on the mats with John on top of me. Every last bit of strength I had I was able to flip him off and onto the mat. I then pounced onto him and grabbed him in a headlock.

I love a good headlock, it is my favourite move! Nothing beats having another guy’s head trapped in your muscles. I could feel the adrenaline and excitement, knowing that I had another man in a headlock! My cock was as solid as a rock! John was going red. He couldn’t get out of it! On my knees I paraded him around the mats for a while, watching him struggle and change colour. He eventually submitted. Looks like first round to me!

Round two, again John pounces, he tries to rugby tackle me, but I manage to stay upright. I reach around and grab him around the neck and again try put him in a headlock. My hold isn’t that tight and he manages to break free, I then grab him in a full nelson. He struggles and we end up back on the mats. Headlocks, Boston crabs, you name it we did it, until finally I have him on his back, he can’t move. I move up and start to sit on his chest, rubbing my balls in his face. Again he submits. Round two to me!

Round three begins. We are both panting away. We start to circle each other. This time I go in and pick him up. Then SLAM! Into the mats John goes. This time a few body shots are exchanged. John just can’t take anymore. He calls it quits! We both just lie there for a few minutes. My head is on his chest. Out cocks are throbbing!

Then the real fun begins. We begin to stroke each other’s cocks. Stroking then turns into sucking. We are now both rolling around on the mats in a 69. Cum then goes flowing after about five minutes. The mats, John, I even the walls are dripping in cum. All that built up tension from nine o’clock this morning was finally released!

John left shortly afterwards. Now I’m sitting here with the biggest smile on my face, knowing that I wrestled today!

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